Is anyone updating at least the troff versions of the papers? That is,
if I go with the source, will I get something (more) current?
It varies by paper. Some are updated, some not. The papers on the
compiler suite get some updates, but the 8œ paper not. That paper,
for example, provides a really good view on how one could use the
system principles to construct a window system; the fact that the
current window system is constructed differently doesn't really
change that.
Well, actually printing is what I had in mind, but maybe I'm being
too much of a luddite.
Nothing wrong with printing. Having a physical copy of the manual
is invaluable when things go sideways, and reading the papers on
a high-DPI, non-reflective surface is a joy. Since I don't believe
anyone has Plan 9 driving an e-Ink display (anyone? anyone?),
paper does nicely.
Has anyone tried producing the doc using groff under Linux, or would
it require a running Plan 9 system to correctly (re)generate everything?
As others have said, I suspect groff will have issues (I have no idea
how to test that locally), but I can confirm that p9p's works as