2012-04-02 15:43:04 UTC
Trying to compile, but it seems like armv7 is not supported.
Anything I could try or do?
arch=`uname -m|sed 's/i.86/386/;s/Power Macintosh/power/; s/x86_64/amd64/'`; \
(cd posix-$arch && make)
cd: 2: can't cd to posix-armv7l
make: *** [libmachdep.a] Error 2
Anything I could try or do?
arch=`uname -m|sed 's/i.86/386/;s/Power Macintosh/power/; s/x86_64/amd64/'`; \
(cd posix-$arch && make)
cd: 2: can't cd to posix-armv7l
make: *** [libmachdep.a] Error 2