Post by hiroyou can use { and tab to make your code visually more appealing. if
that's not enough use eclipse or read the code.
in Acme doubleclick on any of { [ ( < or > ) ] } braces/brackets/parens.
Acme will select (highlight) the area between this and the matching open/close
- use left/right arrow keys to go to the other open/close element
- use Backspace to delete the selected content
- just type to replace the selected content
- use`Edit' to manipulate only the selected content
for example, to increase or decrease indentation of the selection only:
Edit s,^\t,\t\t,g
Edit s,^\t,,g
(where \t should be entered as Tab)
FWIW, i was missing syntax highlighting for about one month of using Acme.
since then i like it black.
using a custom font helps:
dexen deVries
Weightless and alone
you speed through the eerie nothingness of space
you circle 'round the Moon
and journey back
to face the punishing torment of re-entry
-- LUNA-C, ``Supaset8 (full release)'', #24m52s