dexen deVries
2013-03-21 13:29:38 UTC
in p9p rc, an `if (/bin/false)' statement without `if not' statement causes
non-empty $status, and thus will terminate mk.
for example, the attached mkfile returns error for target `breaks', but works
for target `works', with the difference being that of trailing `if not'.
from my point of view, the `if (/bin/false)' statement spills the non-empty
$status from the conditional expression to its outern scope. perhaps this is
to simplify implementation of `if not', but it irks me.
is that really the expected behavior, or is it a quirk of p9p rc?
is there a point to, or an use case for this behavior?
non-empty $status, and thus will terminate mk.
for example, the attached mkfile returns error for target `breaks', but works
for target `works', with the difference being that of trailing `if not'.
from my point of view, the `if (/bin/false)' statement spills the non-empty
$status from the conditional expression to its outern scope. perhaps this is
to simplify implementation of `if not', but it irks me.
is that really the expected behavior, or is it a quirk of p9p rc?
is there a point to, or an use case for this behavior?
dexen deVries
dexen deVries