Why should I invest[tigate] plan9?
(too old to reply)
2013-01-28 10:13:28 UTC
My route here was: when my ISP said I'd have to buy W95, because Win3
wasn't good enough any more, I said screw-you and found linux and ETHO
[the single fd0, full OS & inet suite].

After using ETHO for some years, all other OSs felt like tying your shoe-
laces wearing boxing-gloves.

When ETHO was ported to linux, the ability to access the *nix & FAT FSs
plus the superior *nix inet facilities and *.pdf & *.doc viewers allowed
use of ETHO's superior text editing facilities, with the ability to eg.
see *.pdf on the same screen. What can you do when documents which should
be published in plain text are in *pdf & *.doc ?!

Because ETHO's VNC is too clunky and <running *nix jobs via ETHO, by
cycling through clipboard-files is tedious> I found acme->plan9->wily,
which had ETHO's superior mouse-based editor [near copy] and could run
*nix commands directly.

Since plan9 had admitted to copying ETHO, I knew it was GOOD STUFF.
I've long realised that the naive/wrong view of computing is app-centered,
eg. the monster-browser, that does-every-thing. Whereas the correct/
extendable view is data-centered. Which implies file-directory-centered.
I used to think of *MY* file heirarchy; but plan9 is 'higher'/better in
viewing the global data-heirarchy. [OTOH relying on clouds will bring
more disaster than the recent global economic collapse, and what about
google enslaving humanity: can YOU survive without google?]

The other powerfull notion [apart from data/file centered] which allows
openess/extention is <menus>, which facilitiate the capture and access of
knowledge of what-we've-already-learned-and-paid-for, is used in ETHO.

I suspect that Wirth got all these ideas from his time at PARC?
They aren't spelled out, but with long usage, you can read-between the
lines. OTOH, I appreciate the writings of the originators of *nix, who've
apparently gone on to create plan9, who explicitly spell out the
underlying <principles of the *nix way of doing it>.

Recently I've tested the RaspberyPi hardware and was very impressed.

Is it realistic to use the Rpi as a stepping stone to plan9?
If so, how should I proceed [my main activity is collecting text from the
inet, to read and merge/manipulate and store, for later reference]?

== TIA.
Kurt H Maier
2013-01-28 14:24:37 UTC
Post by Unknown
My route here was: when my ISP said I'd have to buy W95, because Win3
wasn't good enough any more, I said screw-you and found linux and ETHO
[the single fd0, full OS & inet suite].
Let me start out by saying I love this message. I thought fakeposting
had died, but clearly there are still some practitioners out there.
Here are a few hints:

- Nobody's ISP tells them what OS to run, even back in 1995. This
excessive detail deprives your message of the credibility it deserves.

- ***@gmail.com is not valid -- gmail requires at least six characters
in the username field; you had to know someone would notice this. Next
time, register a better throwaway address. Mailinator has lots of
legit-sounding domains to choose from.

- The message seems to have shot its whole magazine in the first
engagement. Spread it out over a few more messages, so people get
engaged in the discussion before they realize it's a fakepost.

Don't get discouraged! This is good work, and with practice, you'll be
tearing up mailing lists for years to come.

dexen deVries
2013-01-28 14:45:02 UTC
Post by Kurt H Maier
Let me start out by saying I love this message. I thought fakeposting
had died, but clearly there are still some practitioners out there.
- Nobody's ISP tells them what OS to run, even back in 1995. This
excessive detail deprives your message of the credibility it deserves.
8<8<8< boring rant 8<8<8<

my isp -- a local venture in poland -- did around 2008.

they request we use ms windows on the router/gateway machine, instead of `some
strange os' -- linux. otherwise they won't take responsibility for the
downtime we were having. turned out, they forgot to whitelist our MAC

but hey -- it worked with their technician's ms windows notebook.

8<8<8< boring rant 8<8<8<
dexen deVries


``One disadvantage of the Univac system is that it does not use Unix, a
recently developed program which translates from one computer language to
another and has a built-in editing system which identifies errors in the
original program.'' - student newspaper
Federico G. Benavento
2013-01-28 15:12:04 UTC
I thought it was an MVS reincarnation…
Post by Kurt H Maier
Post by Unknown
My route here was: when my ISP said I'd have to buy W95, because Win3
wasn't good enough any more, I said screw-you and found linux and ETHO
[the single fd0, full OS & inet suite].
Let me start out by saying I love this message. I thought fakeposting
had died, but clearly there are still some practitioners out there.
- Nobody's ISP tells them what OS to run, even back in 1995. This
excessive detail deprives your message of the credibility it deserves.
in the username field; you had to know someone would notice this. Next
time, register a better throwaway address. Mailinator has lots of
legit-sounding domains to choose from.
- The message seems to have shot its whole magazine in the first
engagement. Spread it out over a few more messages, so people get
engaged in the discussion before they realize it's a fakepost.
Don't get discouraged! This is good work, and with practice, you'll be
tearing up mailing lists for years to come.
Federico G. Benavento
Bruce Ellis
2013-01-28 20:55:55 UTC
I resemble that comment!
I thought it was an MVS reincarnation

Post by Kurt H Maier
Post by Unknown
My route here was: when my ISP said I'd have to buy W95, because Win3
wasn't good enough any more, I said screw-you and found linux and ETHO
[the single fd0, full OS & inet suite].
Let me start out by saying I love this message. I thought fakeposting
had died, but clearly there are still some practitioners out there.
- Nobody's ISP tells them what OS to run, even back in 1995. This
excessive detail deprives your message of the credibility it deserves.
in the username field; you had to know someone would notice this. Next
time, register a better throwaway address. Mailinator has lots of
legit-sounding domains to choose from.
- The message seems to have shot its whole magazine in the first
engagement. Spread it out over a few more messages, so people get
engaged in the discussion before they realize it's a fakepost.
Don't get discouraged! This is good work, and with practice, you'll be
tearing up mailing lists for years to come.
Federico G. Benavento
Don't meddle in the mouth -- MVS (0416935147, +1-513-3BRUCEE)